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Doctors For The Environment Australia

Protect health through care of the environment

We are GPs, surgeons, physicians, anaesthetists, psychiatrists, paediatricians, public health specialists, academics, medical students and researchers, bringing leadership and expertise from every branch of medicine. All our members are volunteers who support the objectives of DEA.

Since DEA formed in 2001, we have been guided by our vision ‘Healthy Planet, Healthy People’. 

We understand that human health and wellbeing are absolutely dependent upon a rich, biodiverse planet where healthy ecosystems sustain life in balance. Humans need a future with clean air and water, healthy soils producing nutritious food, a stable climate, and a complex, diverse and interconnected humanity whose needs are met in a sustainable way.

We aim to educate and alert colleagues, patients, the public and politicians to:

  • The requirement for a healthy natural environment for good human health.
  • The need to prevent and redress environmental degradation locally and globally.
  • The need for sustainable development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising future generations.
  • The use of the best available scientific evidence as the basis for decisions, and the precautionary principle where the evidence is unclear.

You can support us by donating or become more involved by signing up to be a Friend of DEA. Click here for further information. 

Contact Details

G.03 6o Leicester Street, Carlton


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