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Dart Centre Asia Pacific

Changing the face of journalism for the good of society

Do you want to help victims of violence, disasters and trauma? Be part of changing the face of journalism. Help us train the media to be more ethical, respectful and informed when dealing with victims and survivors.  

Every year hundreds of thousands of Australians experience tragedy – an accident; a disaster – that changes their world forever. And these stories become the focus of the media. Respectful and sensitive reporting can assist these important stories to be told well, helping them and enabling the community to be more informed.

Our very successful three-day training programs, for journalists who otherwise can't access training, are creating real change in our community by independently educating the media in the ethical treatment of victims and survivors of tragedies, and teaching them how to tell stories of trauma without further harm. 

The 2 min. video below is part of a Dart training video on ethical reporting that takes lessons directly from victims and survivors on how to be trauma informed and sensitive when reporting such stories. But we want to do more. And, with your help, we can do more. Together we can change the face of journalism.

Thank you to the generosity of the ABC, and those on this video - Joy and Roger Membrey - daughter Elisabeth Membrey - murdered. Pam O'Donnell - daughter Nicole Patterson - murdered. Jim Ward - medal of bravery for actions at Longford gas plant explosion. Vanessa Robinson - sons Chase and Tyler deceased through carbon monoxide poisoning from faulty heater. Kimina Lyall - former journalist and eye witness to Boxing Day tsunami. Kerrie O'Brien - former journalist. Full 18 min. video can be obtained here. Photo acknowledgement - Peter Drought.

Warning: the DVD contains interviews with real people discussing real events and may trigger strong emotions.

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