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The HOPE Day of Giving is HOPE worldwide Australia's annual appeal to raise funds for humanitarian programs across the SPA (South Pacific and Australia) region. The appeal opens online at the beginning of the year, and contributing churches start collections in different cities from April onwards. The online appeal is left open till the end of the year. Our goal is to raise $40,000 for priority programs which are not able to be funded from other sources (government/grants/private donors). Last year we raised over $26,000.
This year, the appeal will support ongoing needs in Papua New Guinea and Fiji in addition to fund volunteer service trips to these countries and New Caledonia through the SPA Corps program and HOPE volunteer program

Papua New Guinea:
1. Primary Health care in Papua New Guinea.  HOPE worldwide PNG operates a total of 5 clinics in Papua New Guinea, providing essential healthcare for over 65,000 people annually including pregnant women, children and people living with chronic diseases such as HIV, Diabetes and Tuberculosis. The most remote clinic is in Kalvery, Simbu province Central Highlands where the community has very limited access to health care. This was built through a HOPE Voluteer Corps program in 2022. Another rural clinic in Moroma (the Moroma Sub Health Clinic), serves a remote community of 10,000 and was built as part of HOPE Volunteer Corps in 2016. It is due to be refurbished in December 2024, again through the HOPE Volunteer program  In addition to health services, 500 water filters are being provided to remote communities with water-borne diseases due to drinking contaminated water. This has already dramatically reduced diarrhoeal illness in communities with the water filters in use. 
2. Primary Education in Papua New Guinea. HOPE worldwide PNG supports the Mercy Care school which provides primary education for over 200 students from a low socioeconomic background including students living with disability. HOPE worldwide PNG provides teacher training, salary support, materials and a nurturing care framework to promote the health and wellbeing of students as they learn in a safe environment. In addition HOPEww PNGs library program provides school books for children in the remote highlands where they are not available


1. Supporting vulnerable communities in Fiji. Building homes for the homeless at Koroipita model town, Lautoka ( In addition, clean drinking water will be provided to remote highland and island communities through donated water filters.

2. Supporting primary education. The Nausori Boarding school, in the Nausori highlands was rehabilitated by HOPE volunteers as part of a HOPE Volunteer Program in December 2023. The school was openned in February 2024  and serves families living in the mountains who do not have access to schools. Ongoing support is required for building repairs, school supplies and teacher training.

3. Food aid in Fiji- partnering with local supermarkets to provide food vouchers for over 200 families living in poverty and unable to afford basic food due to unemployment, low wage and the very high cost of living.

 If you prefer to donate by direct bank transfer: BSB: 012290 Account: 479410473, SWIFT code/IBAN: ANZBAU3M.

Details also on our website  
Thank you for your support!

If you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact me: 


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