Go rainbow against discrimination!
Join millions of people around the world – go rainbow to build a world free from discrimination.
At school, work, in your community or by yourself, going rainbow makes a difference, and creates LGBTQIA+ inclusion.
May 17 marks the anniversary in 1990 that homosexuality was removed from the International Classification of Diseases. Today, IDAHOBIT is the international celebration of advancements in LGBTQIA+ equality, while also acknowledging the unfortunate reality that there's still more work to do.
68% of LGBTQIA+ employees in Australia are not out to everyone at work.
35% of LGBTQIA+ Australians have experience verbal abuse in the past 12 months.
66% of LGBTQIA+ youth in Australia still experience abuse due to their identity.
Whether you're hosting a workplace morning tea, a school assembly, classroom discussion, or a fundraiser in your community, every activity makes a difference, and creates vital, visible LGBTQIA+ inclusion.
The funds raised through IDAHOBIT go towards supporting the work of Minus18, improving the lives of LGBTQIA+ youth all year round.
Your tax-deductible donation creates life-affirming spaces for young people. During isolation, Minus18 supported more than 5,300 young people to stay connected and mentally well via digital events.
Peer Support
When further support is required, we host free digital resources for young people and their families. Accessed by almost one million people each year, your donation keeps this vital service online for free, always.
Minus18 educates the whole community about LGBTIQA+ identities and inclusion. We head into workplaces, councils and schools to provide training to adults and young people alike.
The Impact of Your Donation
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