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Edge Radio

I Love Tassie Music

Recent Donations

Corey Stephen


21 days ago



106 days ago

Corey Stephen


113 days ago

Corey Stephen


297 days ago

Corey Stephen


387 days ago



472 days ago

Corey Stephen


663 days ago

Corey Stephen


752 days ago

I LOVE TASSIE MUSIC! A celebration of Tassie music from the home of Tassie music Edge Radio! Edge Radio is holding it's annual fundraiser with all proceeds of this event supporting the work of Edge Radio and the local bands performing during the fundraiser.

All week we're raising money to keep Edge Radio on air. If you value independent media, diversity, training opportunities for young people, and providing a platform for local musicians, donate now or look below for all the awesome events, we're hosting!

Your donation will go towards our 2023 goals to:

  1. Support Tassie musicians through more concerts and arts events across Hobart
  2. Engage Tassie Youth through new training opportunities
  3. Bring in more volunteers to create great on-air content
  4. Edge is THE starting ground for emerging and alternative Tassie musicians. We do this through providing vital air time, interview ops, events and media training.

If you become a donor to Edge Radio, you will assist with the long-term survival of a vital cultural link for the youth of Hobart. Edge Radio is THE starting ground for emerging and alternative Tassie musicians. As a not-for-profit community broadcaster, we are often the first opportunity for exposure and connection to the media in something more than a passive way.

Edge Radio loves Tassie Music! But to create opportunities for musicians, we need your support. This week we are celebrating Tassie music through our I Love Tassie Music Fundraiser, which ends in a massive ALL TASSIE MUSIC lineup! Make sure you follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates and check out our I Love Tassie Music T-shirts!


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Private Bag 41


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