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United Way Australia

360 Early Education fundraising for Imagination Library

An Imagination Library brings the magic of a library into the home with the gift of a book every month before school begins, supporting parents as their child's first and most important teacher and taking a proven first step towards much more in a child's life. 

360 Early Education North Ryde and Macquarie Park support Dolly Parton's Imagination Library and are raising funds for the program here in Greater Western Sydney.

Your support will help Dolly Parton's dream of giving every child the chance to build a love of reading become a reality in Australia!

In fact, making sure a five year old has basic literacy skills can address one of the root causes of poverty in Australia today.

For $10/month or $120 they and their parents can benefit from a year's worth of reading support

By donating the cost of a book today, you are giving the best gift there is. 


What is Dolly Parton's Imagination Library?

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library™ is a monthly home book delivery program for children from birth to their fifth birthday.  It is based on the fact that the more books in the home, the better the educational outcomes for children.  It also underpins the philosophy of the parent (or primary carer) as a child’s first educator.

Each book is specially chosen by a Book Selection Committee which is comprised of independent experts in the field of children’s education. Parents and carers receive a tip sheet with each book, giving advice on how to bring the stories to life, and how to extend the language and learning from each book. This ensures children begin acquiring vital literacy skills from birth, including how to identify letters, numbers and shapes, story comprehension, and how to handle books.

United Way Australia is licenced to lead Dolly Parton's Imagination Library in Australia with over 400 partner organisations and locations. Together, we have reached over 100,000 children and sent out over 1.2 million books!

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