Steph was born a healthy baby girl to two loving parents.
At 5 weeks of age Steph developed what everyone thought was a cold. Her parents took her to the GP but the next day Steph was no better. She was admitted to hospital with a whooping sound when she coughed.
Steph had contracted whooping cough. For babies under 6 months treatment options are limited.
For the next few days Steph’s parents sat by her, watching their baby fight through coughing spasms which wore everyone out.
Sadly Steph’s condition grew worse and pneumonia developed. Eventually her organs began to shut down and their healthy baby became an angelic memory. Family grief was made worse because this scenario could easily have been prevented.
Did you know that vaccines have been available for over 200 years? How is it that with such history and capacity to save millions of lives your GP has no system to reliably advise the vaccinations you have had, the immunisations you need and which will develop a plan for their administration? Drug manufacturers put their money into creating new vaccines. Governments fund their provision. Nobody invests in software systems to identify people who need those vaccines. In healthcare, software is simply not sexy!
ImmCalc is a tool which makes it simpler for doctors and nurses to develop a vaccination plan on the day the patient is there. The significant majority of patients will undertake vaccinations if they are offered. ImmClac makes it easy to fit a catch up vaccination in a regular visit without need for a follow up appointment. We can stop babies and loved ones suffering by making vaccinations an easy to manage process which fits within a clinician’s existing workflow. Welcome to a world where ImmCalc is on every GP’s desktop.
What ImmCalc does is allow your GP to click an icon whilst talking to you in a consultation. If you have a gap in your vaccinations, your GP will have access to an automatically generated plan, enabling commencement of vaccination that same day. Ease of planning will lead to more vaccinations and fewer deaths from preventable diseases.
So even if you only make a large donation once a year, this year think of ImmCalc. Our team needs funding to take our prototype into a deployed solution. We have agreement from Australia’s largest medical software company to embed ImmCalc in all GP desktops in early 2019. Your funds will be used to:
· Build the app (we already have $28K from Optus to cover project management)
· Cover costs for leading doctors to update the system when vaccines are released
We need a contribution of $150K so that we can revolutionise how immunisations are managed in Australia. Within a year that will reduce the number of hospital admissions and even deaths amongst newborns. Get behind the software which enables existing medical science to reach those who need vaccination. Donate today.
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