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Ready Set

Impact 5000

At Ready Set, our purpose is to strengthen communities by empowering jobseekers with clothing and coaching so they can build their confidence, realise their dreams and change their lives.

We provide interview-appropriate clothing and individualised support to identify, apply for, and interview for a job.  We also provide clothing for those who are in work but cannot afford work-appropriate attire, as well as for traineeships, graduations, court appearances and the like.

In 2011, our first year of operation, we helped 175 people. In 2018 we helped 1,531. But that's only 1.1% of unemployed Victorians and we know that there are so many more people facing barriers to employment who need our help.

We've set a goal to be able to help 5,000 people per year by 2022.

To do this we need a bigger building so we can accommodate more clients and volunteers to support them, space to store clothing so it doesn’t have to be held off-site and critically space to hold our vital fundraising sales – we currently have to pack up everything to hold each clothing sale.

We also need staff to help us grow, as we currently rely on two part-time employees and the generosity of our 100+ volunteers.

We need to raise $200,000, to add to the $200K federal government funding we recently received. This will allow us to secure and fit out bigger premises and employ crucial staff, so that by 2022 we are able to support 5,000 people each year.

That’s why we’re asking for your help.
175 people in 2011
1,531 people in 2018
5,000 people per year by 2022


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24 Eastern Rd


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