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It’s a Promise!

It’s a Promise!

Your generosity has the power to shape the future of South Australia through the transformative work of Carclew.  
Carclew was given to youth arts 52 years ago as a promise that all children have access to the arts. With ne wleadership and an ambitious strategic vision, Carclew aims to fulfill this promise made to the children of South Australia.  
At Carclew, we believe in nurturing the creativity and potential of every child. Our mission is to foster a space where young minds can flourish, where boldness, agency, and innovation are celebrated, and where every child is welcomed with open arms. 

As we embark on a journey of growth and renewal, your support has never been more vital. With your generosity, we can continue to expand our reach, amplify the voices of young artists, and shape a brighter future for generations to come.

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” 
- Pablo Picasso 
At Carclew, we are dedicated to nurturing and fostering that innate creativity and we invite you to join us on this journey towards a brighter, more creative future. 
With your donation, you can help Carclew deliver on this promise and realise its vision of empowering young people to become creators, innovators, and world-shapers.  
It's simple really… help us keep this promise! 
Donate now. 

Image: Emily (8) is a loyal Pom Pom participant who has made friends with artists and other participants there. Her mother feels Emily has gained resilience and finds herself understood and supported within the space. 


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11 Jeffcott St


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