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Bouddi Foundation for the Arts

In Memory of Keith Blanket

Recent Donations

KAB Gallery


138 days ago

warwick bryan


257 days ago

warwick bryan


640 days ago

Phil Donnelly


645 days ago

Joy Park


664 days ago

Jenni Bourchier


665 days ago

graeme anderson


665 days ago

john stedman


667 days ago

Following a life growing up and working in Sydney, and a more recent part-time life in Wagstaffe, Keith Blanket  joined the Bouddi Foundation for the Arts Committee after becoming a permanent Bouddi Peninsular resident in late 2017.
With over 50 years’ experience in the Advertising, Marketing and Communications industry, in both global agencies and his own firms, Keith worked with the Committee to help promote the Foundation’s brand and activities as well as broaden its awareness within the local community and Central Coast generally.
For the past 20 plus years, Keith has steered his own agency, Bullet Marketing Solutions, which is largely  responsible for major Marketing Communications between Toyota Australia Head Office and its national Dealer Network.
While Keith and wife Sandy have been enthusiastically embracing the Bouddi community, their son and daughter- in-law have been establishing quite a name for themselves in the local Arts community via their increasingly popular KAB Art Gallery, adjacent to Terrigal Beach on the retail concourse of the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

Keith passed away in May 2023 and is missed by all and remembered fondly by all of us who worked with him in the Bouddi community.


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P.O. BOX 4081

0458 235 904

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