Kids Research is committed to better understanding the diseases of childhood and to discover innovative treatments to help children and young people live their healthiest lives.

Kids Research includes research undertaken by our students, affiliated academic staff and research staff at both of Sydney’s paediatric hospitals: The Children’s Hospital at Westmead and Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick.

Our 600 researchers, support staff and students are dedicated to discovering new ways to improve the health of children. Many of our researchers are also clinicians, ensuring our world-leading research is quickly translated into treatments for their young patients. Their research is informed by the situations faced by the kids they treat.

Our work comprises three main areas: basic science in the laboratory to understand disease processes in children; clinical research to develop better diagnosis and treatment methods; and population health research to understand the impact of disease in the broader community.

We encourage collaboration with our key partners Children's Cancer Institute, Children's Medical Research Institute, The Westmead Institute for Medical Research, The University of Sydney and the University of New South Wales, as well as with many other prestigious institutions in Australia and overseas.

We are part of Luminesce Alliance, a cooperative joint venture between Sydney Children's Hospitals Network, Children's Cancer Institute, and Children's Medical Research Institute, established to coordinate and integrate paediatric research in Sydney and potentially NSW.

We are a member of Sydney Health Partners and the Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research & Enterprise (SPHERE), two of the Advanced Health Research and Translation Centres in Australia as recognised by the National Health and Medical Research Council for being a world leader in translating research into better health outcomes for our community. We are key partner of the Westmead Research Hub, the largest medical research precinct in NSW. 

Already we are close to achieving a number of breakthroughs. We have the potential to reverse diabetes in children and adolescents, With new genetic understanding, we will be able to cure blinding eye disease. Our work in neuroscience is leading to revolutionary new treatments for movement and psychiatric problems in children. These are just a few of the many examples where our research can lead to real changes in sick children's lives.

We need your help to turn this research into life-changing treatments. Your gift, no matter how large or small, can make a real difference and offer hope to families and children touched by illness. Fundraising for KRI is managed by Sydney Children's Hospitals Foundation.


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