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Katherine Women's Information and Legal Service

KWILS - funding free legal services for women in remote NT

Kather­ine Women’s Infor­ma­tion & Legal Ser­vice (KWILS) is a spe­cial­ist Women’s Legal Ser­vice that has oper­at­ed in Kather­ine in the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry for 25 years. 

We can help all women, those who iden­ti­fy as women, and non-bina­ry peo­ple in Kather­ine and across the Big Rivers Region. We pro­vide free civ­il legal advice and rep­re­sen­ta­tion, and wrap around sup­port ser­vices, to ensure holis­tic ser­vice pro­vi­sion for women. We pro­vide one on one case work, while also work­ing towards deep­er legal and cul­tur­al change to redress pow­er imbal­ances, address vio­lence against women and chil­dren, and gen­der and oth­er inequalities.

In addi­tion to indi­vid­ual legal assis­tance, KWILS pro­vides Com­mu­ni­ty Legal Edu­ca­tion and under­takes advo­ca­cy and law reform work, with a par­tic­u­lar focus on address­ing soci­etal and cul­tur­al prac­tices, assump­tions, behav­iours and atti­tudes that con­tribute to vio­lence against women. 

Contact Details

PO Box 1194


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