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Literacy Foundation for Children

Brighter Futures for Children with Learning Disabilities

Learning Disability (Dyslexia) is the most prevalent of all learning disabilities.  Close to 20% of children have a learning disability with 10% of these being in the severe to profound category.  Many of these students also have other coexisting conditions which also increases their vulnerability to mental health disorders.

Why are we collecting funds?

A number of these children come from disadvantaged backgrounds and their families are unable to afford many of the services some of us take for granted. The cost of a professionally administered literacy intervention may cost up to $6,000.  This may seem a lot but it is much less than the fees of most Brisbane private schools per year.

Reading, writing and spelling are indispensable commodities for modern life.  Your donation will help fund literacy intervention for a primary school child with a learning disability.  This gift of literacy will change a child's life forever, allowing them to reach their full potential at school and in adulthood.

Why we are needed:

  • Close to 20% of children in Australia have a learning disability;
  • 10% of these are in the severe to profound category;
  • Learning disabilities come in numerous forms and are impacted by varying diagnoses:  dyslexia (80% of all learning struggles), ADHD, ASD, anxiety, dyspraxia, dysgraphia and many more;
  • 90 to 95 percent of reading impaired children can overcome their difficulties if they receive appropriate treatment at early ages.

What we do to help:

The Literacy Foundation for Children is committed to equiping and empowering parents, carers and educators of children with learning disability through providing information, resources, access to intervention and support that will improve the lives of those children.  Specifically:

  • Supporting children with learning disabilities and their families ... by providing financial assistance to access treatment/intervention for dyslexia and learning disability as well as additional integral support services which will facilitate intervention such as managing anxiety/mental health and speech/language difficulties.
  • Promoting Awareness About and Improving Management of Literacy & Learning Disability and Dyslexia ... by presenting professional development workshops to teachers and educators to help them better understand dyslexia and learning disabilities and how to remediate and support these difficulties in the classroom. These seminars will be provided by specialists and experts in the areas of paediatrics, education, psychology, etc. 
  • Providing Support and Education to Carers ... by hosting information seminars and networking opportunities to educate and support carers of children with literacy and learning disability and help them on their journey of managing dyslexia and learning disability. These seminars will also be delivered by specialists and experts in the areas of developmental paediatrics, psychology and special education.

Why Help Us?

We are a young foundation, having just been recently established, and we would appreciate your support to provide assistance to at risk children and families who are waiting to receive help.  We are also unique. There is no other foundation in Australia that seeks to provide support for children suffering from learning difficulties related to literacy, such as dyslexia.

Contact Details

PO Box 1250


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