The Maneki Neko Cat Rescue sponsorship program gives you exclusive access to photos, videos and updates on the life of a cat in foster waiting for their forever home. Cats with complex medical needs or who are older are often hard to find forever homes for - they can stay in foster for years! Sponsoring a cat with these needs brings more attention to them, as well as allowing us to pay for their ongoing medical and diet needs. We believe all cats are worth caring for, no matter age or health status. Please join us in making a difference in the lives of hundreds of cats across Victoria.
Maneki Neko Cat Rescue is an all breed cat rescue organisation run entirely by volunteers and is a registered charitable animal welfare organisation with Deductable Gift Recipient status. The Maneki Neko is a Japanese symbol of success, prosperity, good health and happiness. Maneki Neko Cat Rescue is specifically focused on working collaboratively with the community, community groups, business's and local councils to improve the welfare of cats and kittens.
Help support this cause by creating your own 'CrowdRaiser' fundraising page.
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