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MERCY WORKS - Sisters of Mercy Overseas Aid Fund

Emergency Shelter Appeal. Philippines Typhoon Disaster.

Your Donation Will Help Women and Families Devastated by Recent Typhoons in the Bicol Region, Philippines.

Our Target of $47,000* Will Place Tools in the Hands of Families to Rebuild Their Homes and Their Lives.

The Bicol Region of the Philippines was recently hit hard by two devastating storms. Severe tropical storm Trami (‘Kristine’) displaced a million people in late November. Then only three weeks later, super typhoon Man-Yi (‘Pepito’) caused catastrophic damage including landslides, severe flooding and storm surges.

According to the UN, 2.7 million people were affected in the Bicol region, 255,466 homes were damaged and over 200,000 people remain displaced.

Your generosity can help meet the immediate shelter and relief needs of families living in the most vulnerable conditions.

To read more details about this appeal, please visit

*For more information about this emergency relief appeal and how your funds will help devastated women and families,  please visit

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Level 3 6 Victoria Rd

(02) 9564 1911

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