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Australian Christian Multimedia

Mustard Creative Arts & Multimedia Empowerment

Mustard runs programs for schools that aim to give a Christian voice to some of the big teenage issues:

Measuring Up, Community, Gratitude, Science and Faith, the Environment and Good Advocacy and Amazing Grace.   

We also always looking to develop new material that use a variety of creative means to engage with students - drama, music, dance and multimedia.  Our programs seek to involve Christian students from the relevant school to use their abilities to partner with the Mustard team to reach out to their peers.  

Mustard also seeks to produce creative multimedia resources that can be posted on the Mustard Hub Web-App.  These resources will be invaluable for students all around Australia who lead lunchtime groups in both State and Private Secondary Schools.  

With your contribution to Mustard's Creative Arts and Multimedia Empowerment Fund, we look forward to impacting hundreds of students' lives through the Mustard's School Programs and the Mustard Hub.


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228 Union Rd

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