Recent Donations

Denise Hannay


43 days ago

How will the funds be used?

MYASTHENIA ALLIANCE AUSTRALIA is a partnership of all eligible state associations and operates to enhance the lived experience of people living with this rare autoimmune disease Myasthenia Gravis. Your donation will allow the Alliance to expand upon the excellent work that is happening.

Myasthenia Gravis is considered a “snowflake condition” as the symptoms are different for each individual.  Thus, the alliance aims to:

  • Advocate for the best medical treatment to benefit each individual with any form of this condition.
  • Encourage and support research into all forms of Myasthenia Gravis.
  • Project a unified voice on issues which fall under the national regulatory framework.
  • Pursue collective endeavours of mutual benefit by co-operative and supportive development and deployment of resources.
  • Present a clear focus on developing and implementing initiatives through a national platform that provides ‘one voice’ on issues pertaining to Myasthenia Gravis. 

The Myasthenia Alliance Australia has a clear focus on initiating and supporting:

  • A substantive national focus on research; 
  • Conducting research in partnership with universities;
  • Working directly with national support associations on the Rare Diseases agenda;
  • Advocating for and attending national forums with government agencies; 
  • Organising and conducting national conferences;
  • Working closely with the MAA’s Medical Advisory Board;
  • Liaising and working with the incorporated state associations to ensure that the latest information is available to both patients and medical professionals.  

All funds will assist the MAA to continue to work for the Myasthenia community.  

Please note that your receipt will be issued by MGAQ on behalf of the Myasthenia Alliance Australia.


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Contact Details

PO Box 16 Mount Gravatt


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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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