Thanks for being part of the MYC Community. You are the reason MYC can transform young lives - giving them music education and skills, wellbeing benefits that come from singing together in a group, lifelong connection to a friendly and supportive community, friends that boost their confidence and even a career path.
As you know, we use volunteers wherever possible to manage operations and keep costs to a minimum.
We value music and the artists that create it. We value our highly qualified and professional team of musicians that conduct rehearsals and concerts. Your donation assists us to pay music staff and provide for their professional development.
We have a beautiful rehearsal venue, and purchase teaching aids and sheet music and other needs like printing, stationery etc. We couldn't do it without you.
Your donation is a gift of music to your children, to our teachers and to the community. Thank you!
Help support this cause by creating your own 'CrowdRaiser' fundraising page.
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