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Nautanki Theatre Company

Support Nautanki Theatre

Nautanki Theatre is a professional, diverse, and multi-racial theatre company. We began our journey from the grassroots level to evolve as an Independent Theatre Company practicing intercultural storytelling in partnership with Riverside Theatre, Parramatta since the company's inception in 2012. With extensive research and experience with the community in Western Sydney, Nautanki Theatre’s affirmative action is to meet the authenticity emphasising the South Asian experience. Nautanki Theatre’s artistic focus lies in storytelling that connects contemporary Australian society with South Asian diaspora. In doing so we create employment opportunities irrespective of caste, colour, sexual persuasion, or creed in creative ensembles for Australian theatre.

In the last 12 years, Nautanki Company has successfully presented seven live theatre performances and kick-started annual South Asian Theatre Mela (Festival) in 2016. Nautanki’s project involved more than 200 actors, performers, crew and support staff. Our events were attended by more than 10,000 people. We reach out to more than 50,000 people based in Western Sydney every year through our various programs. In 2019, Riverside Theatre acknowledged Nautanki Theatre Company as their cultural presenting partner in the Western Sydney region.

Our aim is to produce creative opportunities with a true representation of contemporary Australia and provide equal access to everyone. Our objective is to work with the CaLD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) community, refugee or migrant people facilitating social inclusion, creating a voice to vanguard their cultural identity. Working specifically with the South-Asian migrant community, we are in the process of creating a new audience base representing the demography from Parramatta, Blacktown, Hills District and parts of Inner City. We are encouraging this new CaLD audience to join with greater Australian theatregoers to attend and support live theatre in Western Sydney.

Nautanki is registered as a Charity with the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission (ACNC) and has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status.

Through your generous donation, Nautanki Company will be able to create new work aiming for more opportunities for the creatives, actors, writers and community. Your donation is fully tax deductible. We thank you in advance for your generous support.

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0432 832 311

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