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Sydney Children's Hospitals Foundation

Newborn and paediatric Emergency Transport Service (NETS)

NETS is the only service of its kind in Australia, providing expert clinical advice, clinical co-ordination, emergency treatment and stabilisation and inter-hospital transport for very sick babies and children up to the age of 16 years. NETS operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

NETS is not just a transport service – it provides a referral service for hospitals faced with a neonatal or paediatric emergency. Discussion about children with illness or injury occurs via conference calls with a NETS consultant and other clinical experts.

NETS ensures no matter where someone lives, they can be assured that their baby or child will receive the same commitment to care as if living next to a children's hospital.

NETS relies on the community for nearly all of the medical equipment used to treat newborns and children transported by our teams. Your contribution can make a difference! Fundraising for NETS is managed by Sydney Children's Hospitals Foundation.


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Locked Bag 9002

1800 770 122

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