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New Hope International

Uganda - Overseas Aid, Development and Training

To enable New Hope International (NHI) to conduct training of community leaders in Education, Community Development and leadership training in Uganda.
How will the funds be used?

NHI covers the costs of two committed staff members, National Director, Juliet Galiwango and ETLS trainer, Timothy Mubiru. Together they:

  • Train Christian teachers using the Effective Teaching and Learning Series and other Foundational material. 
  • Train in modern practices of Community Development 
  • Provide Leadership Training for Christian school principals, pastors and senior staff. 
  • Facilitate school visits and the formation of sister school relationships when requested 
  • Explore new and innovative ways to expand the work and scope of quality Christian teacher training

Donations ensure our staff have a living wage to support their families as well as providing all that is needed for travel, accommodation and administration in fulfilling their roles. 

Please continue to demonstrate your love for this ministry through your generous donations ensuring the continuity of our transformational work in this region and beyond. 

Key areas of expenditure

  • Printing of training manuals
  • Costs associated with running conferences overseas for teachers
  • Travel expenses for trainers
  • Staff indicated above
Donations are not tax deductible but are very much appreciated.

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Contact Details

PO Box 403


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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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