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Norwood Symphony Orchestral Society Inc.

Norwood Orchestra Development Fund

The Norwood Symphony Orchestra is a not-for-profit community orchestra, made up entirely of volunteer musicians and committee members.

The proceeds of our concerts are used to cover our running costs such as insurance, publicity and venue hire. However, the orchestra gratefully accepts public donations to help purchase or hire items such as musical scores, music stands and instruments. 

Your gift to the orchestra helps us to continue proudly contributing to the local Adelaide music community. Since 1923, the orchestra has been nurturing musicians and soloists of all ages, allowing them to develop their orchestral playing skills, and providing several performances each year to local audiences.

Find out more about our orchestra at

How will the funds be used?

As a guide to how we may spend your gift:

  • $10 pays for a bound folder
  • $70 pays for a music stand
  • $100 pays for hiring an orchestral score

Are donations tax deductible?

Yes. The Norwood Orchestra Development Fund is a gift fund operated by the Norwood Symphony Orchestral Society Incorporated, a registered charity and deductible gift recipient (DGR) under Subdivision 30-B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible. A receipt will immediately be sent to you by email when approved.

Contact Details

PO Box 3189

0422 903 062

Are donations tax deductible?


Will I receive a receipt for my donation?

Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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