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Deaf Australia Inc.

Deaf Australia - Oceania Appeal - next WFDYS youth camp

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The World Federation of  Deaf Youth Section (WFDYS) is an international organisation committed to empowering and educating youth Deaf, deafblind, and hard-of-hearing people. Every four years WFDYS hosts a camp that brings together Deaf youth from all over the world to promote leadership, human rights, education, and equality as well as to celebrate Deaf cultural identity. 

Deaf people in the Pacific have limited access and exposure to international events due to remote location and financial restraints.  The WFDYS does not have any funding to support any members who may want to attend so we want to support young Deaf people from the Pacific to pay for membership fees (Euro50 per year) and attendance at the WFDYS camp. 

Your donations will support their member fees for their country for representatives to attend the WFDYS meeting and camp, travel costs, registration fees, visa, insurance, accommodation, and other relevant spending required to attend the WFDYS youth camp and meeting. 

The Pacific countries we want to support include:

1. Samoa

2. Tonga

3. Micronesia

4. Palau

5. Vanuatu

6. Papua New Guinea

7. Solomon Islands

8. Marshall Islands

9. Naura

10. Tuvalu

11. Vanuatu

12. Palau

13. Fiji

  Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and Samoa have members and attended the WFDYS youth camp in the past. 

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