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One Meal - It Makes a Difference

Breakfast Challenge: 100 Breakfasts for 100 Days

Thank you for visiting our secure donations page for the ONE MEAL Breakfast Challenge - 100 breakfasts for 100 days before Christmas!

More people than ever are doing it tough right now, and many families are sacrificing the most important meal of the day to make ends meet. 100% volunteer run, Sydney based food relief charity 'ONE MEAL - It Makes A Difference' is taking action now to help struggling families put a healthy breakfast on the table making sure their kids do not go hungry. And YOU can help!


Every donation made here during the month of November will be MATCHED by our generous 'silent' sponsor. It's great to get involved knowing anything you donate will be doubled!!

Your doubled up challenge donation will ensure disadvantaged kids do not miss out on the most important meal of the day for their growing bodies and minds: 

  • $50 gives 20 hungry children a healthy breakfast pack getting them off to a good start
  • $100 provides healthy breakfast packs to 40 kids in need
  • $250 enables 100 vulnerable children to enjoy a healthy breakfast first thing in their day
  • $500 provides 200 at-risk youth with healthy breakfast packs to fill their stomachs

Each breakfast pack will contain a selection of items including cereal, milk, breakfast bars, crackers with cheese/dip/tuna, sultanas and other nutritious ready-to-eat items. One Meal is looking for both financial donors and product sponsors to join the challenge and help give disadvantaged kids the healthy breakfast they need.


If you or your organisation have capacity to donate non-perishable breakfast food items for inclusion in breakfast packs, you can become a Breakfast Challenge Product Sponsor - and we'd love to hear from you! Local Northern Beaches Hank's Jams is already meeting the challenge by donating delicious hand-crafted, gourmet jams - simply the best jam anywhere!  We're also very pleased to have SPC, Sanitarium and Sunbeam on-board as product sponsors filling our breakfast bags with goodness. If your company wants to join the challenge by donating cereal, fruit cups, muesli bars, breakfast drinks, etc - give us a call today! 
Host a Food Drive - if you're not a breakfast food manufacturer or supplier - don't worry! You can host a food drive at your school, book club, sports team or community hall - we'll give you a great poster and  top tips on how to make the most of your challenge food drive. All items donated, no matter how big or small, will be collated and carefully packed for inclusion in the breakfast packs - every item received is one step closer to 100 breakfasts for 100 days directly helping kids in need. 

Host a Corporate Give Back Day - join Resilium Insurance Brokers in supporting the challenge by getting your corporate team involved. Resilium hosted an employee give back day on 1 October and then matched all employee donations resulting in over $6,000 being raised for the Breakfast Challenge - that's 1,200 kids who received a healthy breakfast pack thanks to the Resilium team!!

THANK YOU for your support!  If you'd like to get in touch - see our contact details below. We'd love to hear from you.



The ONE MEAL Breakfast Challenge specifically aims to give families in need access to good breakfast food to improve their children's nutritional intake, mental health and general wellbeing. Starting the day with a healthy breakfast is critical for growing children and adolescents because it:

  • helps young muscles and brains work properly (improves blood sugar levels)
  • improves concentration and attention span
  • increases ability to learn because kids can focus better and for longer
  • encourages healthy eating to reduce serious health problems now and in future, and
  • for disadvantaged youth, it helps reduce food stress and related anxiety and emotional health concerns.

All funds raised - and doubled during September - will directly contribute to achieving the goals of this challenge and give disadvantaged kids the nourishment they need..


One Meal is looking for bulk product donors to join the challenge and help give disadvantaged kids the healthy breakfast they need. 

Product donors: contribute bulk non-perishable, single serve breakfast items for inclusion in healthy breakfast packs. Suggestions include: 

  • Cereal boxes
  • Juice/Breakfast Drinks
  • Cheese Stringers
  • Crackers with cheese/tuna/dip
  • Long-life Milk
  • Sultanas or dried fruit
  • Breakfast bars
  • Small fruit in juice packs
  • Small tins of baked beans or spaghetti


You’ll love being involved as a product donor! Not only will you have the satisfaction of knowing you are directly helping vulnerable youth; there are also opportunities to strengthen your community affiliations and get engaged in delivery of the project. Chat to us about getting your staff involved in collating and delivering packs. 

One Meal is also offering product sponsors recognition for your involvement on our website, social media channels and monthly newsletter where applicable and determined by the level of product sponsorship. One Meal is a registered charity with fully Deductible Gift Receipt (DGR) status, so you will also receive the tax benefits of your contribution to this important cause and the goal of providing 100 breakfasts for 100 days to kids in need. 


One Meal - It Makes A Difference is a 100% volunteer run, community based organisation providing dignified food relief to disadvantaged, vulnerable and at-risk families and individuals. One Meal provides essential food support via free community dinners, fresh fruit and veggie hampers, pantry staples and ready-to-eat meals. 

Working collaboratively with sponsors, donors, volunteers and local social service agencies, and without prejudice, partisanship or judgment, our mission is to ensure people in need have access to good healthy food that improves their overall well-being, mental health outcomes, provides opportunities for positive engagement and connection, and strengthens our communities. 

One Meal is a registered charity with fully Deductible Gift Receipt (DGR) status. For more information visit our website:


We look forward to discussing how you can get involved and directly help to make a positive difference to thousands of disadvantaged kids daily health and wellbeing.

Call Karen on:   0493 239 434

Email us on:


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