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One Door Mental Health

One Door Mental Health General Appeal

Mental illness affects one in five people in Australia, with often devastating impacts on the individual and the families involved. However, with the right support people with mental illness can lead fulfilling lives. Negative community attitudes to mental illness, based on ignorance, inhibit the development of services for people with mental illness and their families.
Our Organisation:

One Door Mental Health is a community based charity providing advocacy, support and innovative services to people with mental illness and their families. We have been doing this, with very limited resources, for over 30 years (previously as the Schizophrenia Fellowship of NSW).

Key Areas of Expenditure

  • Telephone Referral Information and Support Service helping all callers
  • Providing the Outreach Service to people with mental illness who are isolated.
  • Community education programs on mental illness for school communities, tertiary institutions, corporates etc. giving people with mental illness the opportunity to educate others on what it is like to live with a mental illness.
  • Education and awareness campaigns across the State using radio and television commercials, posters and brochures.
  • Advocacy for better services and funding for people with mental illness and their families through the media, presentations, events and direct lobbying.
  • Development of new, innovative services which are driven by the needs of those living with mental illness and their families.

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Contact Details

Building 36 Digby Road, The Old Gladesville Hospital,

(02) 9879 2600

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