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Rotary Club of Sydney

Opportunity Cambodia

Phan’s parents are subsistence rice farmers.  His brother had to drop out of school to provide labour on the farm.

It seemed Phan would have to follow.  His situation was brought to our attention and after discussion with his parents we arranged for him to enter our school education program. This meant he was fully supported to complete his schooling.  Phan was a hard worker and understood that he should take every opportunity to expand his knowledge and skills.  Finally he did very well in the National exam and told us that he really wanted to go to university to study Law.

He gained a place in our tertiary education program which meant he was fully supported to study Law at the University of South East Asia.  It is a long hard course, but Phan’s determination to realise his dream of becoming a lawyer meant that he dedicated time and effort to his studies, and in 2022 he graduated with a degree in Law.

With the help of Opportunity Cambodia and his sponsor, Phan gained employment as an intern with the Child Protection Unit in Phnom Penh, and has since gone on to join the staff full-time, working with Cambodian authorities to protect children and bring child abusers to justice.

This is a heartwarming and inspiring story of a boy who came from a very poor rural family, who dedicated himself to realising his ambition to make an important contribution to his community and his country.

And this is what Opportunity Cambodia has always been about – enabling young people to gain an education and the opportunity to live their dreams, and contribute to their community.

Cambodia needs many more young people like Phon who have the tertiary qualifications and skills to take a lead in addressing the many challenges facing Cambodia today.

Please help us to enable more deserving young Cambodians to gain a tertiary education.


We would be delighted if you wished to support our work.

Donations go directly to fund our full tertiary scholarships.   Private funds cover the costs of overseas travel, administration and marketing.

You can make a general donation or sponsor a student. Your donation may be a one-off donation or a regular donation. For example:

A One-Off Donation

  • $30 buys text books for a student for a year.
  • $60 buys uniforms for a student for a year (university students wear a uniform)
  • $80 buys and maintains a bicycle for a student

Sponsor a Student

AU$2400 or AU$200 per month provides a scholarship for a university student, covering fees and board.

If you would like information regarding your student sponsorship please put your email address in the Special Message Box


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GPO Box 1523

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