Cover Photo

Kidsafe Queensland


Cause's Cover Photo

Road to Safer Queensland

Injuries are preventable. Grazes and bruises are part of growing up but serious injury, injury fatality or disability is not acceptable. Kidsafe QLD can help with home safety, road safety & safe play.

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Cause's Cover Photo

Road to Safer Queensland

Injuries are preventable. Grazes and bruises are part of growing up but serious injury, injury fatality or disability is not acceptable. Kidsafe QLD can help with home safety, road safety & safe play.

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Cause's Cover Photo

Summer's Day

On this day each year stop and remember all the children who lost their lives as a result of an unintentional injury, and acknowledge those children and families living with the consequences of preve

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Cause's Cover Photo

Summer's Day

On this day each year stop and remember all the children who lost their lives as a result of an unintentional injury, and acknowledge those children and families living with the consequences of preve

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Contact Us

16/121 Newmarket Road

(07) 3854 1829