Our Rainbow House is an Australian based charity which operates a primary school on the outskirts of Lusaka, Zambia. Our vision is to provide education and nutrition to orphaned and vulnerable children, encourage them to have an optimistic view of the future and empower them to break the cycle of poverty in their community.
Your kind donation will contribute towards:
Education - Many of our students would not have had the opportunity to go to school if it was not for Our Rainbow House. Our students are selected by local caregivers who identify vulnerable children in the village. Small class sizes and a holistic approach provides a nurturing environment and the opportunity of quality education.
Nutrition - All students are given two meals a day during the school day and their guardians are provided with mealie-meal for their school holidays.
Employment - Our Rainbow House employs a wonderful team in Zambia, all of whom are from the local community. A Project Coordinator and teachers oversee the educational requirements of our students. Our Zambian Team also includes guards, cooks and sports coaches.
Your donation will help us to keep our school operating and continue to educate these beautiful children. All donations will be directed to where it is needed most. For more information and to keep up to date with how you have helped, follow our school on social media and visit our website.
Thank you so much for your generosity!
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