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THREE For All Foundation

Permaculture for Sustainable Communities

Permaculture for Sustainable Communities (PSC) is an initiative of a group of Kenyans who work to support refugees and vulnerable communities mainly in Kenya and Tanzania through sustainable projects (permaculture, chicken farming, micro businesses etc) and education (Tahirih Preschool). 

Faulu Production is a registered refugee Community Based Oganisation (CBO) that operates at Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya, supporting vulnerable refugees and host communities (Turkana). 

PSC and Faulu have worked in partnership for more than 3 years. 

PSC and Faula are currently raising funds to:

  • Provide quality preschool education by supporting the ongoing operations of Tahirih Preschool
  • Develop and support permaculture and sustainability activities both in Kakuma and in neighbouring communities
  • Support the development of income generating activities for refugees in Kakuma
  • Support school attendance through the provision of limited student sponsorships
  • Support the development of community-led responses to challenges in Kakuma and surrounding communities through technical and funding support.

THREE for All Foundation is a recent partner, providing auspicing arrangements and community development support via appropriate and agreed-to assistance to PSC and Faulu Production towards the achievement of shared goals.

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