The Fund is named after Peter Daniel Meyer.

Peter was born on the 5 November 1964. He was a student of Sydney Grammar School. In 1987 when he was only 22, he was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.

Although he went through 20 difficult years living with his condition he completed his Bachelor of Arts degree at Sydney University. He also attended RMIT and St. Georges TAFE. Peter took his own life on 1 January 2003. Peter's parents, Rosalind and Bob Meyer, set up the Fund in his honour within days of his death.

The aim of the fund is to provide grants to young researchers working specifically to fill the gap in knowledge about schizophrenia. Help us undestand more about this life-changing condition.  

If you are a researcher and you would like to apply for a grant from the Peter Meyer Fund, visit our website. 

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Building 36 Digby Road, The Old Gladesville Hospital,

(02) 9879 2600

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