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One Door Mental Health

Pioneer Clubhouse

One Door Pioneer Clubhouse has been a vital part of the Manly Community since 1994, providing important support and recovery services to people who are recovering from mental illness.

Pioneer Clubhouse was started by local community leaders and families in response to the unmet needs of people with mental illness and their families.

Pioneer Clubhouse provides support in a very supporting, empowering and effective environment. It is the first service based on the 'clubhouse model of psychosocial rehabilitation' developed in NSW.

One Door Pioneer Clubhouse is located in Quirk Road, in a building owned by Manly Council, which was formerly the Manly Women's Bowling Club. When the Club wound up the members specifically asked Council to use the site for a worthwhile community purpose. The local community have supported Pioneer Clubhouse. Ongoing funds are neeed to ensure the Clubhouse can operate.

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Building 36 Digby Road, The Old Gladesville Hospital,

(02) 9879 2600

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