Who we are:
Platform Arts, based on Wadawurrung Country in Djilang/Geelong, focuses on the development of artistic practice and ideas, leading to the presentation of these ideas as contemporary arts experiences. We curate a multi-artform program of exhibitions, performances, publications and events that respond to themes and provocations we believe are urgent for our times.
What we do:
Our artistic program is underpinned by a rigorous artist development framework that incorporates arts laboratories, residencies, mentorship, professional development and artist-led training. We partner with leading arts organisations, programs and festivals to provide additional presentation opportunities for our artists and to strengthen the impact of our development and advocacy work.
Why we do it:
We've evolved this support in response to the need for accessible arts career opportunities outside of Australia’s capital cities. We are committed to developing artistic practice that will sustain practitioners throughout the lifetime of their career, and to fostering a local arts ecology that connects and contributes to a global artistic discourse. Locally, our support of contemporary practice fosters the growth of regional contemporary arts audiences, in response to Geelong's increasing demographics and growing interest in arts participation.
How you can help:
As a registered not for profit organisation, Platform Arts secures funding from a range of sources including individual supporters and donors. We acknowledges the impact of our partners, supporters and donors through their contributions in funding and advocacy. Your support enables Platform to evolve and deliver a meaningful program of events and opportunities for contemporary artists in our region.
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