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REACH for Nepal Foundation

Support RFN's initiatives to help those in need in Nepal

Recent Donations

Nikhil Paudel


6 days ago

Lou Nulley


141 days ago



170 days ago

Sabbir Shah


299 days ago



418 days ago

More Than Mortgages


420 days ago

Bryce Cooper


434 days ago

Greg McKay


441 days ago


REACH for Nepal Foundation is a Canberra based charity that was established in 2015 when nearly 9,000 people lost their lives during the devastating earthquakes that year.

​It is entirely run by volunteers here in Australia and all donations are transferred to Nepal to deliver both humanitarian and development projects in western Nepal identified, defined and prioritized by community and village leaders.

​Fundamentally, the purpose of the foundation is to improve lives of Nepalese people in remote parts of western Nepal, the Gandaki Province, through projects that enable villages to become more self-sustaining and provide children opportunities for quality education and good health.

REACH for Nepal also provides the opportunity for Australian educational institutions and other groups to provide aid in areas aligned with the foundation's objectives.

​​The work of the foundation was officially recognised by the Nepalese Ambassador in late 2018 for supporting social services, education and health and broader groups in Nepal

Requests for assistance come from different villages and regions in the province through the chairman of the villages or from women’s groups, and the RFN Foundation in Nepal undertakes a preliminary assessment of the project against the RFN vision, objectives and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).


1. Humanatarian Aid

REACH for Nepal Foundation's Humanatarian Aid is typically in the form of emergency relief in times of flooding, earthquakes and epidemics. This is normally in the form of medical assistance, livelihood support packages and food supplies.

2. Infrastructure Build

Our infrastructure projects generally take the form of rebuilding classrooms that are unsafe or leaking water in times of rain. Typically, when we deliver an infrastructure project, we also provide access to water and install a water filtration system to ensure the water is safe to drink.

3. Education on Health and Hygiene

The Foundation undertakes projects that educate village mothers groups and school children the basics about hygiene and nutrition.

4. Village Sustainability Projects

Our village sustainability projects provide opportunities for those most vulnerable in the villages. These projects help families to generate an income which in turn helps them to survive and break the poverty cycle through improved education.



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