This project is produced by artist and curator Estelle Rozinski whose great-grandparents lived in the dynamic Jewish community of pre-war Zdunska Wola, Poland.
These animations created by artists David Asher Brook, Steven Durbach and Anita Lester, convey the normalcy, fun and poignancy of everyday life before 1939, giving voice to a history otherwise lost. They depict pranks played by children, family festivals and sibling antics. ‘…and he taught the canaries to sing’challenges the stereotypes we hold of pre-war Jewish life. Rozinski wishes to continue documenting these stories believing they are vital to understanding Jewish history and its complexity. These stories give our children an identity and narrative which co-exists with the history of the Holocaust.
Your generosity enables us to:
· Create the next animations
· Translate and subtitle into other languages
· Produce voice overs into Polish, Hebrew, Yiddish, Spanish and German
· Create and maintain a website
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