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Janelle Sewell


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Crystal Nguyen


591 days ago

Support the work of Doctors for the Environment Australia (DEA)

We've all seen the devastation caused by floods and fires in recent years. And after the disaster, there is the rebuilding. Not just of buildings, but of lives and communities. That's just one impact of climate change. Then there are heatwaves, droughts, and threats to our reefs, beaches and forests - the places we love.

We can act and prevent things getting worse. That's what DEA is about. An organisation of doctors and medical students advocating for climate action to protect the health and wellbeing of communities.

They are doctors speaking out for those already affected by climate change and those that will be impacted in the future. Speaking out for our most marginalised who will be most impacted and our kids whose lives will be shaped by decisions we make now.

On behalf of our patients and communities, they are calling on our government that they act on climate to safeguard health. 

So can you help us make a difference and help ensure our kids can have a healthy future?




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G.03 6o Leicester Street, Carlton


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