Thank you for considering a donation to help us stage Sculpture by the Sea as a major free event for everyone to enjoy.

It's a big task for our not-for-profit organisation to raise the funds to put on the exhibitions and 20% of our entire budget comes from private donations. Your donation will contribute to our being able to set the stage for the artists including hiring of our site crew who install the show, our schools education program for 2,500 students, overnight security, insurances and our year round staff of 11 who work closely with the artists for six months before each exhibition to enable their sculptures to be safely installed.

Importantly, your donation will help us move towards our goal of covering each artist´s core costs of freight and installation together with a contribution towards fabrication. We have quite a way to go to achieving this goal and every donation helps whether it is a $10 donation or $100 each month or whatever you wish.

Here is some more information on Sculpture by the Sea ...

Staged on the spectacular Bondi to Tamarama coastal walk overlooking the Tasman Sea, Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi is one of Sydney's most popular events, with 450,000 -500,000 visitors viewing over 100 sculptures by artists from around the world. Held since 1997, this free to the public exhibition captures the imagination of Sydney and its visitors each October to November and is established as the largest annual sculpture exhibition in the world.

The popularity of the Bondi exhibition led to the creation of Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe in Perth on Australia's Indian Ocean coast in March each year. Staged since 2005, the Cottesloe exhibition features over 70 sculptures and is enjoyed by 260,000 visitors, making the exhibition as much a part of Perth as the Bondi show is in Sydney.

Sculpture by the Sea is listed on the National Register of Cultural Organisations.

If you would like more information on our organisation, our donors program or to let us know you have donated, please contact

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