On 17 February 2024, a devastating fire, caused by an electrical fault, badly damaged the temple and its contents. Major works are needed to repair the main temple building and safeguard it into the future. We also need to restore around 200 objects that were damaged by heat, flames and smoke in the fire.
The See Yup Temple has been a site of worship for people from southern China for over 170 years, maintained and cared for by Melbourne’s See Yup Society.
In 1964 the temple was recognised by the National Trust (Victoria) as being of heritage significance to the State of Victoria, and in 1974 it was one of the first buildings placed on the Victorian Heritage Register. The National Trust of Australia (Victoria) assisted the temple with major fundraising in the 1970s and are assisting us again today.
Donations made to the See Yup Temple’s fundraising appeal through the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) are allowable as deductions for tax purposes.
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