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Southern Highlands Community Hospice Limited


The SHCH Mission is: To provide a purpose-built community Hospice in the Southern Highlands of NSW that will deliver specialist palliative care to people regardless of their ability to pay.  The Hospice will be a free-standing ten-bed in-patient facility owned and operated by the community.

Why are we collecting funds?

The Hospice will require considerable financial support from the community, initially for building and on an on-going basis for the running the Hospice. To succeed the Hospice will depend on generous financial donations from the community on a regular basis.

How will the funds be used?

Donated funds will be used to build the Hospice and when built, to operate it.

The SHCH will be:

  • a "community" Hospice owned, built and run by the community;

  • free standing and purpose-built to the SHCH design;

  • located in a peaceful, tranquil environment in Bowral.

The Hospice will be a low scale domestic style building in a garden setting designed for the specific site and will qualify for a high green star rating to make it as sustainable as possible and minimise running costs.

SHCH will establish a centre of excellence in palliative care which delivers exceptional service to patients and their families. The focus will be on holistic, personalised care from palliative care staff, support staff and volunteers committed to the welfare of patients and their families.

How can I learn more?

Find out more at

Thank you for donating to the Southern Highlands Community Hospice Inc.

Contact Details

PO Box 1448

(02) 4871 1262

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Will I receive a receipt for my donation?

Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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