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Sky Temple Mildura

Sky Temple Mildura

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Lloyd & Kate Thomson


2 days ago

Rosl Maye


2 days ago

Mandy Gowty


3 days ago

Melinda Hinkson


114 days ago

Lloyd And Kate. Thomson


123 days ago



169 days ago

Fundraising has begun to build the Sky Temple in Mildura, a new Zen mindfulness centre based on Engaged Buddhism and the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh.

The Sky Temple is situated in the Mallee Sky Garden, a 30 acre botanic park featuring rare and endangered Australian native plants. The Sky Temple will provide a sanctuary of peace and calm which brings together the wisdom of Buddhist teaching and Zen practice, with art and nature, to create a community centre of growth, healing, and learning. 

The site is ready, a Bodhi tree has been ceremoniously planted, planning permission has been granted, and we aim to commence the build in 2025.

The build will commence when we have reached Stage 1 of our fundraising target. Stage 1 = $250,000. Our final target is $1,000,000. We are currently nearly halfway to our stage 1 target. The Sky Temple Pty Ltd is a not for profit company and is currently seeking charitable tax deductible gift status.  


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