Somebody's Daughter Theatre Company is a not-for-profit organisation that has been working with women in Victorian Prisons in performance and visual arts since 1980, and with disadvantaged young people in regional Victoria since 2001.

We are a unique company of artists whose mission is to work with those who are the most marginalised in our community, empower them and give them a voice. We have demonstrated our success to deliver social change in the community, providing opportunities for women in prison and post release and marginalised young people to break cycles of abuse, addiction and disengagement.

We believe that in a world where so much is unequal - arts is the great equaliser - and probably the only point of equal meeting for so many of the people we work with.

Our mission is "To bring down the walls of difference and indifference through the arts - an equal meeting ground for all - transcending class, money and power.

We will work with the most marginalised, create high quality productions, which will inspire, provoke and challenge people and perceptions. The arts providing the bridge of inclusiveness back into education and community."

Why we are needed:

Somebody's Daughter Theatre is the only company in Australia undertaking contemporary theatre and visual arts practice with an annual public presentation of the work within the women's prison system. 

Our art form is community arts.  Our expertise is in working with people that historically have had no voice.  The work has nothing to do with changing people, it is not to pathologise behaviour - it is to create.  To create exceptional theatre/art/film with individuals who are, in the main, excluded.

SDTC's story is one that demonstrates how powerful the arts can be for both personal and social transformation. The company offers a place for these individuals to reclaim a part of their heart and soul through creative expression and not be dismissed by prejudice or judgement.

We still exist because what we do works. 

Work with women in prison and women post-release:

"It has had a huge impact on my jail time. It is one of the few spaces where I'm free to be me - without defences and masks."

"I think this is the first thing I have ever started and actually seen through to completion! Getting recognition for doing the work with Somebody's Daughter means that a Criminal Record Number, name and crime is not the only label I carry…"

Work with disadvantaged and disengaged young people:

“… it is so amazing just getting up on stage and performing for people who may never have seen live theatre before. And most of all, for people to realise that they are not alone in their situations. They hear our stories and realise that there are other people going through things that they are.” - Student

“They always told me I couldn’t – if enough people tell you that you start to believe it. I couldn’t breathe, it was only when I could breathe that I could start to learn...” - Student

“As someone who has worked in family violence, mental health and with children in care… I’m sure that my students could learn more from your stage production than I could teach in a semester.” - Mental Health Specialist

We are committed to:

  • Creating high quality theatre, music, art and film with the community of the disadvantaged, particularly women in prison and post release and marginalised young people, including those in out of home care, those who have mental health issues and those who are victims of family violence.
  • Motivating personal, social and systemic change through raising awareness of the impact of abuse and poverty as issues leading to addiction, mental ill-health, family violence, homelessness and institutionalization.
  • Breaking negative cycles for women in prison and post release, and marginalised young people, including those in out of home care, by providing pathways back into formal education, training, employment and community.


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97 Ashworth Street

0412 730 984

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