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Victoria Walks Inc

Step Up for Walkable Communities

For the past 15 years, Victoria Walks has made significant impact in advocating for healthier, more liveable communities; places where walking is accessible, safe and enjoyable for everyone.

In 2024 we:

  • consulted with councils and statutory authorities to submit a $942 million pitch to political parties contesting the state election for state-wide projects that would result in improved public health and local business activity.
  • had our highest-ever year of media engagement and advocacy, showing the increasing level of interest in walking.
  • worked with councils to engage public support for implementing safer speed limits through a values-based messaging approach.

Our ability to advocate and act relies more than ever on the generosity of private funding. This support can make a tangible difference in ensuring our streets and public spaces are designed for people.

Australia needs to do more. Walking is the most sustainable form of transport. Increasing levels of walking is critical to benefiting community health and well-being, as well as addressing climate change.


Contact Details

Level 8, 225 Bourke St


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