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Australian Earth Laws Alliance

Support the work of the Australian Earth Laws Alliance!

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We have a number of ways that you can contribute to our systems-change work:

  • Become a ‘Friend of AELA’ – become a regular donor and sign up to some very special AELA-benefits!
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What if we could transform our society, so that healthy ecosystems and thriving biodiversity are at the centre of our community values and decision making, and are the bedrock of our legal, economic and political system?

Every day AELA works tirelessly to challenge the current destruction of the natural world, promote understanding about the systemic causes of environmental destruction and build a new model of Earth centred law, governance and ethics in Australia.


AELA needs your help to continue our work!

Over the past eight years, we’ve grown from a group of environmental lawyers keen to promote the ideas of Earth jurisprudence and Earth-centred law, into a team of committed multi-disciplinary professionals and student volunteers who have built:

  • The Australian Earth Laws Centre, which is helping communities around Australia understand our legal system and advocate for Earth-centred laws. AELC provides advice and capacity building support to communities; runs professional development sessions for lawyers, students and interested people and hosts webinars and workshops throughout the year;
  • A world-first alternative model for bioregional, Earth centred governance called ‘Greenprints’, which is being developed in several pilot communities in Australia,. Greenprints is bringing people together across their communities, to explore what ecological, social and new economy governance can look like in their local and regional ‘place’. Greenprints offers a practical program to empower people to catalyse the systems change they want to see happen in their communities;
  • Australia’s only citizen-created forum for ecological justice – the Australian People’s Tribunal for Community and Nature's Rights;
  • Cross-cultural teams of Indigenous and non-Indigenous lawyers and experts, who work together to explore how we can build Earth centred governance and recognise First Laws in Australia, including through the work of Future Dreaming and Regen Songlines;
  • Australia’s first New Economy coalition – the New Economy Network Australia (NENA) – which involves hundreds of people and organisations working to build a new societal framework, so that ecological health and social justice are the foundations of the economy;
  • Education courses for professional development, to enable professionals and students to expand their ability to create Earth-centred systems change in their chosen professions and work places;
  • Education programs teaching law students and law professionals about the flaws and biases in the legal system that directly contribute to the destruction of nature, and what we can do to change the legal system;
  • A community of people promoting Earth-centred ethics in professional and everyday life;
  • AELA's Earth Arts Program - a network of artists and creatives, including the Earth Arts Collective, promoting the importance of creativity in nurturing Earth centred governance and promoting the work of AELA.

AELA's work wouldn't be possible without financial support from our amazing supporters - like you!

Your valued donation can ensure AELA can continue advocating for ecological justice and the meaningful reform. We thank you sincerely for your support.

Further information about AELA’s work can be found on our website:  


Your donation will directly support the work of the great people who deliver AELA’s programs. Your donation will support ongoing project costs, travel costs and day-to-day management of the organisation. 

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March 2025