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285 days ago

PlayAbility is a registered charity with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status.  This means we are able to accept monetary gifts from individuals and families and issue tax deductible receipts that can be claimed against tax returns.

Donations to PlayAbility will help us to improve the services we provide to children and their families and increase our reach to localities across the shire.

Donations will also enable us to maintain and upgrade our facilities to ensure the best possible environments to help children grow and thrive.

Contact Details

3 Crown Lane
EDEN NSW, 2551


Are donations tax deductible?


Will I receive a receipt for my donation?

Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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Select your gift card delivery method
Once your donation has been processed, we'll send you a printable PDF version of the card to the email address you entered above, so you can print it yourself and give it to the recipient.
We'll automatically send an eCard to the recipient's email address (to be provided below) on the date you choose.

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Since the gift card will be in A4 size and the image will be half of the card, please upload an image with at least in 794 height x 561.5 width dimension (96 PPI).
Please refer to this link for resolutions options for A4 paper size in pixels.

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