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Support Juno's homelessness & family violence work

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Help Juno reduce the risk and impacts of homelessness this festive season

The festive season is supposed to be a relaxing time, but for many of the people we work with, it can be a stressful period with an increased risk of family violence. The rising cost of living pressures and the lack of affordable housing has only made things more challenging. 

Your financial support enables us to provide critical services to those at risk. Can you support us today?

We support over 500 women and non-binary people and their families through our services. We work with many of these people through our early intervention and education programs that help prevent people from falling into crisis.

In our ongoing work, we are supporting women, non-binary people and children that are experiencing or are recovering from the impacts of homelessness and family violence. We assist them to connect to housing and provide critical support to rebuild and thrive after homelessness and violence and achieve economic independence. 

What your donation can do: 

  • $50 could buy a gift for a child to help them feel special this Christmas
  • $100 can help cover a coaching session for a woman who has experienced family violence
  • $200 can help supports a Rapid Response Clinic session for women and non-binary people experiencing housing or financial stress  
  • $300 could help support a community workshop that builds the skills of women and non-binary people at risk of homelessness

Thank you for standing with us to improve the lives of women and non-binary people and their children facing homelessness, violence, discrimination and economic disadvantage. 

*Your donation will help fund the vital services mentioned above, as well as other important areas of Juno’s work, to ensure we can best support women and non-binary people to be safe and thriving. 


In 2002, four organisations came together to form Women’s Information, Support and Housing in the North, known to many as WISHIN, and now Juno: CHAIN Youth Housing (which began back in the early 1980s); Young Women’s Housing Shopfront; Single Women In Supportive Housing Options; and Safe Place for Women.

This year marks 20 years of Juno supporting and advocating for women who’ve experienced homelessness, family violence, poverty and trauma.

Contact Details

PO Box 8177

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