This year will see a number of long-awaited improvements at Tactile Arts, including facility upgrades and new equipment. Let’s reach all our goals this by giving much valued and tangible support to the staff who work hard behind the scenes to support our wonderful creative community as a whole and one-on-one.

With the end of the financial year just around the corner, now is a great time to make a special tax-deductible donation to Tactile Arts.

Member support, fundraising income and donations are important sources of revenue for us. By donating to Tactile Arts this month, you’ll be supporting the additional resourcing required to undertake the important work that happens in the background that is essential to delivering the range and quality of services that our members expect. Our current goals are to revise our internal policies and procedures, improve our information management systems and simplify our interfaces, such as our membership and booking systems, with facility and equipment users.

Tactile Arts provides tax deductible receipts for financial donations and is registered with the Australian Tax Office (ATO) as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR). If you make a donation in June, it won’t be long before you can claim your tax back in July!

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Help support this cause by creating your own 'CrowdRaiser' fundraising page.

Contact Details

PO Box 1479


Are donations tax deductible?


Will I receive a receipt for my donation?

Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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Once your donation has been processed, we'll send you a printable PDF version of the card to the email address you entered above, so you can print it yourself and give it to the recipient.
We'll automatically send an eCard to the recipient's email address (to be provided below) on the date you choose.

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Since the gift card will be in A4 size and the image will be half of the card, please upload an image with at least in 794 height x 561.5 width dimension (96 PPI).
Please refer to this link for resolutions options for A4 paper size in pixels.

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