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Teachers Across Borders

Teachers Across Borders Australia

Teacher volunteers from Teachers Across borders Australia run professional development programs for their Khmer colleagues in Cambodia. Volunteers meet all of their own travel and accommodation costs but each workshop, run as part of the program, costs about $1500 to run. Funds raised in this appeal will be used to cover these costs and to train Khmer teachers to provide professional development to their colleagues.

How will the funds be used?

These funds will be used to cover the cost of running 8-10 workshops in Cambodia with up to 230 teachers attending from kindergarten to senior secondary school. Programs are also run for principals and administrators.

Key Areas of Expenditure

Development of Khmer teaching materials
Teaching aids
Payment of interpreters and translators
  • Payment of small stipend to Khmer teacher who attend as they are not paid whilst attending the program.

Contact Details

Teachers Across Borders PO Box 139

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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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