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Starfish Foundation

The Carbon Farm

The Carbon Farm (TCF) is an area of 100 hectares of formerly degraded grazing land at Bingara.

The farm has been ‘at rest’ for nearly four years and now it is about to be regenerated to showcase the options for sequestering carbon into soil and regenerative farming more widely. It will truly become a ‘diamond in the rough’!

TCF provides a site for farmers, researchers, students and visitors from all walks of life to participate in, to see and to consider the many and varied options for regenerative agriculture, soil management and carbon capture.

TCF is available to visitors all year round, and is complemented by the adjoining educational facilitity called The Living Classroom.

The Carbon Farm is a sustainability start-up and enterprise operating under the auspice of Starfish Initiatives.

Sequestering carbon in the soil is a “win win” for farmers (greater fertility, water holding capacity, more resilience, improved productivity), for our local economies (more prosperous farmers and more of them) and for the world (part of the solution to the challenges of climate change). 


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16 Adina Road


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