In 2017, we worked together to say YES to equality for LGBTI Australians. It was a massive victory, but our work is not done. We need to continue to work together to address the various forms of discrimination impacting the health and wellbeing of our LGBTI communities.

Faith-based schools are allowed to legally expel trans and gay students, as well as fire teachers because of their sexuality or gender identity. People born with intersex traits are at risk of so-called ‘normalising’ treatments and surgeries as infants and children before they can ever give consent.  So-called ‘conversion therapy’ is still happening inside certain religious communities that see gay and trans people as sick and broken, instead of human and whole.

Now is the time to stand together and ensure no one is treated as less-than for simply being who they are.

You can support Equality Australia through its partnership with Thorne Harbour Health so they can tackle discrimination in all its forms


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