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Tikva Incorporated

Tikva Incorporated

Dear Supporter of Tikva

Our souls, hearts and minds are with Israel, praying for our soldiers to accomplish their missions safely and for the captives to be returned  to their loved ones .

We would like to share with you Tikva's latest achievements.

On Purim, 100 families received  our Yellow Mishloach Manot bags full with treats and food  as well as delicious Homantashen and a 250 dollars voucher to Coles .

For Pesach, with a team of amazing devoted volunteers we distributed shmurah matzah, grape juice, wine, fish, meat, chicken, paper goods as well as Coles vouchers. 

With your help 100 families had their Pesach needs covered and they celebrated a beautiful Yom Tov with their children, families and friends.
They have been extremely grateful and we have received heartwarming messages.

All this is in addition to our regular monthly payments of bills.

We are planning to enhance their festival of Shavuot by distributing cheese cakes and vouchers. 

Tikva has been able to accomplish these results due to your generosity.
We are thanking you for your ongoing support  and asking you to continue to partner with us in the future, so Tikva can continue to alleviate the painful challenge that so many are facing.

Shavua tov 

Devorah and the TIKVA team 


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