The Orchestra Project Inc. is a not-for-profit association that provides opportunities for gifted young local musicians to be mentored and to perform alongside the very best musicians from Australia’s professional orchestras.  

It also enables the Victorian public to hear large-scale and/or rarely performed major orchestral works, played at the highest standards.

As its name suggests, The Orchestra Project operates on a project-by-project basis, adapting both repertoire and staffing to best suit the requirements of each project undertaken.

It seeks to ensure that young Australian musicians in the most formative years of their training can have direct experience of this repertoire from the inside, and also access to the experience and expertise of musicians currently working in the highest levels of the profession.

The Project exists solely through the generosity of professional musicals and administrators donating their time, and through the enlightened gifts of donors who share The Orchestra Project’s ideals.

Funds raised are used exclusively to support the underlying running costs of the Project, such as instrument and hall hire, and to ensure that any ticket price for public performances enables a broad as possible musical outreach into the wider community.

You can find out more by visiting our website at or by contacting us on

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10/341 Sydney Road


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